My Band

 After you know me, you must be asking, hey what band you are in??????. I joined a band called Panderman Band, the band has been formed for 2 years. The main members is only 3 guys (not 3 musketeer) that 3 guys is me, Ivan (guitars), and Joy(drum). After the band formed, new vocalist came in. This vocalist has been trained professionaly, cause' she joined tv show called "the voice". the vocalist is eyghra, she is so talented. and the last member of the band joined, the keyboardist. unfortunately the keyboardist is leaving the band after playing for 1 years. the second years new keyboardist came in, his name is Ajie. Now you know about my band, but you don't know the music yet. I'm gonna show you, so listen it carefully........

there you go, the music that has been arranged by us, hope you enjoy and thanks for reading......


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